The Transformation
The Transformation
Get excited to see life from a different perspective and not feel alone in the process. Explore your options with less stress and anxiety.
Listening to Ourselves
Sure, it’s easy to tell someone what to do, but that’s not where the magic happens. I use active listening, and it changes my clients’ lives. Together we explore how you can view the people and events in your life through a different set of lenses, discovering new ways to make things happen. Let’s play with this and find your magic!
Discovering Our Truth
I love finding out what matters to people. We start with your big dream and vision and take manageable steps to make it happen.
“Margalit helped me find the answers I was seeking. She
didn’t just tell me what to do; she enabled me to remove the
blockages that were standing in the way of my success.”
Lauren Messiah, Fashion Stylist
Shifting Our Perspective
Think about a situation. I’ll ask you what’s important about it and then we’ll drill down to what you value about it. Because what you value translates into what you want to create.
Feeling Safe
I provide a space where you get to talk about what you want to create, what’s possible for you, and just as important, what you want to say “no” to. This is not about self-improvement. It’s about changing the way we think and playing with possibilities.
“Margalit is amazingly gifted at asking simple, penetrating
questions – that is her superpower! She uses questions to
uncover the issue behind the issue.”
Anthony Laney, Architect and Designer
Sharing Experiences
I was invited to speak at an intensive. After my speech, a woman came up to me and told me I reminded her of billionaire businesswoman Sara Blakely! It wasn’t clear how she made the connection but it didn’t matter, she was inspired. I then understood, when I share my story it allows others to tap into their own unique story. When appropriate and helpful to our work together, I’ll share my experiences with you.
Are you ready to explore what’s possible?
Book your complimentary coaching session today