Two weeks ago, I sent out my first newsletter and asked my readers to try on a new thought. I introduced the idea, gave some explanations, a few data points, and some questions to ponder.
But it’s easy to offer a suggestion. The tough part is deciding to take the suggestion and implement it.
This reminds me how my business partner and I felt when people gave us suggestions for our company: a new bedding accessory they wanted us to manufacture or the latest trade show they were sure we had to exhibit in.
Lisa and I were usually swamped and didn’t want to hear one more f*ing idea that would require extra work from us. But experience taught us that listening to new ideas was worth it. Some of those suggestions significantly increased our revenues.
That’s why, today, I’d like to propose you Take Your New Thought For A Test Drive.
The implementation piece of test driving a new thought is the PROCESS of INQUIRY.
Inquiry begins as follows:
Flex your curiosity muscle – Ask yourself: WHAT IF THE OPPOSITE WAS TRUE?
Old thought: I can’t do this.
Replace with: What if I can?
Old thought: She’ll never agree to this.
Replace with: What if she does?
When you become curious, you give your mind permission to shift direction and the opportunity to flex and strengthen a different set of muscles. I call them your what’s possible muscles.
I promise you, the what’s not possible area of your brain doesn’t need one more strength training session.
The area we can all use more muscle-building in is the arena of What’s Possible.
What new thought are you going to test drive and strengthen?